About Us
The following is a typical outline of the process for a project.
Scope of Work
After contact by the client, we will discuss the project and identify the scope of work desired. A formal proposal will be provided outlining the scope of work to be provided. The prospective client usually emails, or uploads to our ftp site, the files to be drafted to us for review and determine the work effort required in preparation of the proposal.
Project Execution
The project is completed by an ArgenCAD technician under the regular supervision of a cad manager. Depending on the size of the project, draft or progress files of project will be provided at regular intervals. During this time constant communication will be provided to the client to ensure any comments or questions regarding the files are addressed promptly.
Final Delivery
The CAD manager does a personal review of all projects to ensure conformance with the requested standards and quality control. The files are completed and either emailed to the client or made available on our ftp site. At all stages of the project, all details and work products are kept entirely confidential.
Security Measures
A secure dedicated ftp server is utilized for data transfer of large files and data storage devices are password protected.
Confidentiality Policy
We understand our client’s concerns regarding confidentiality. All data provided by the client will be kept confidential and will be the property of the client. Our firm and staff agree that no information regarding the project will be disclosed to any third party, without the prior consent of the client. If requested by the client, we have no issues signing a non-disclosure agreement for any project.